1969 Nickel Doubled Die Listings

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1969-S WDDO-001

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST. 


  • Obv:  Die scratch to left of L of LIBERTY.
  • Rev:  None noted.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDO-002 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A very close Class II spread shows on the designer's initials FS. 


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Short slanted die scratch inside left small window; slanted die scratch extending from top right side of left small window; short slanted die scratch extending from top left side of right small window.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Tony Russo

1969-S WDDO-003 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Cose Class II spread shows on  IN GOD WE TRUST and the designer's initials FS. 


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge below second L of PLURIBUS; die gouge to upper right of F of OF..

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-001 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Die gouge inside D of GOD.
  • Rev:  Die dot near rim to upper left of left corner of building; die gouge below RI of AMERICA.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Frank Baumann

1969-S WDDR-002 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to upper right of first U of PLURIBUS; short die gouge above right side of M of AMERICA.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John W. Wexler 

1969-S WDDR-003 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge on lower left side of E of STATES.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDR-004 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Long die scratch below ERTY of LIBERTY, star and date.
  • Rev:  Small die dot on rim above RI of PLURIBUS; die scratch on rim above M of UNUM.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDR-005 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.  A closer spread shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Listed as 1969-S Pr 5c WRPM-003.  Die gouge between upper portions of O and D of GOD.
  • Rev:  Die gouge inside upper portion of R of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDR-006 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  Series of small die dots and die scratches on lower front portion of Jefferson's collar.
  • Rev:  Die scratch on rim below ME of AMERICA; die scratches on rim above UR of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDR-007 Proof

Description: Class II + VI, Distorted and Distended Hub Doubling
A nice Class II and Class VI spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.  A closer spread shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Die gouge inside O of GOD.
  • Rev:  Die gouge above R of PLURIBUS; die gouge patch inside upper portion of second U of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDR-008 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A nice Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.  A much closer spread shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Small die gouge on left side of I of UNITED.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDR-009 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die dot above I of AMERICA; die dot to right of right long window.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDR-010

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to right of M of UNUM; die dot in field above left edge of building.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1969-S WDDR-011 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A nice spread toward the center  shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the right side of the building.  A slight spread shows on FIVE CENTS and LO of MONTICELLO.


  • Obv:  Die gouge north of center horizontal bar of E of WE; die gouge just left of first T of TRUST.
  • Rev:  Short diagonal die gouge to right of lower half of D of UNITED; short die gouge from bottom left of center curve of second S of STATES.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Jim Brown

1969-S WDDR-012 Proof "Best Of" Nickel Doubled Die Varieties

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling     "Best Of" Nickel Doubled Die Varieties

Very strong tripling toward the center shows on UNITED STATES OF.  Strong doubling shows on AMERICA, MON of MONTICELLO and FIVE.  A close tripling spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.  All spreads decrease significantly from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Two die gouges (dots) to upper left of first A of AMERICA; die gouge inside first U of PLURIBUS; die scratch on rim above E PLU.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Kevin Flynn

1969-S WDDR-013

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close spread toward the center shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, decreasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die crack from lower side of E of UNITED to rim; short die gouge from top center of R of PLURIBUS halfway toward rim.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Whaden Curtis

1969-S WDDR-014 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, OF AMERICA and the right side of the building.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge above P of PLURIBUS; die gouge near rim below IC of AMERICA.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-015 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, increasing slightly from left to right.  Slight doubling shows on OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to lower left of second T of STATES.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-016 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge inside upper portion of U of UNITED; die dot above I of FIVE.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-017 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Many die gouges around US of PLURIBUS and UN of UNUM; die scratch below MON of MONTICELLO.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-018 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die scratches on rim below STA of STATES; die scratches on rim above PL of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-019 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge between T and E of UNITED; die scratches on rim below ES of STATES and OF.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-020 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, with both spreads increasing slightly from left to right.


  • Obv:  Die dot in Jefferson's hair to right of forehead.
  • Rev:  Die gouge on left edge of right arch; die scratch on rim below D of UNITED.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Timothy Wissert

1969-S WDDR-021 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A Class II spread toward the center shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die dot to upper right of second A of AMERICA; small die dot below left leg of R of AMERICA; vertical die gouge between lower portions of A and second T of STATES.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  John A. Miller

1969-S WDDR-022 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.  A slightly stronger spread shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge between S of PLURIBUS and first U of UNUM; light die scratch on rim below F of OF.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Timothy Wissert

1969-S WDDR-023 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to right of S of PLURIBUS; die gouges below center crossbar of E of AMERICA.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-024 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, with both spreads increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Two die gouges to right of lower portion of P of PLURIBUS; die scratch on rim below TE of STATES.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-025 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A very close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.  A stronger spread shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Strong die scratches on rim below STATES; die dot and scratches on rim below M of AMERICA.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:    Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-026 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, with both spreads increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die scratches on rim above UNUM.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-027 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Nice Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to upper right of long left window; die scratches on rim above UN of UNUM.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-028 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A nice Class II tripled spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Die gouge below OD of GOD.
  • Rev:  Series of die gouges between and above B and second U of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Ben Peters

1969-S WDDR-029 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge inside O of OF; die gouge to right of F of OF.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1969-S WDDR-030 Proof "Best Of" Nickel Doubled Die Varieties

Description: Class II + VI, Distorted and Distended Hub Doubling     "Best Of" Nickel Doubled Die Varieties

Very nice Class II and VI doubling shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and FIVE CENTS.  Tripling shows on the bottom of A of STATES.  A nice Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die scratch across upper portions of first and second columns; die gouge to left of upper portion of third column.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar 

1969-S WDDR-031 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling


  • Obv:  Slanted die scratch on Jefferson's collar.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to upper left of P of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  William Hostutler

1969-S WDDR-032 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die scratch on rim below N of UNITED.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  William Hostutler

1969-S WDDR-033 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge below upper crossbar of F of OF; die gouge to upper right of L of PLURIBUS; die gouge below second O of MONTICELLO.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  William Hostutler

1969-S WDDR-034

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  Two die cracks in Jefferson's hair near top of his head.
  • Rev:  Slanted die gouge at top right edge of E of AMERICA.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Tison Meadows

1969-S WDDR-035 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right. A much closer spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM


  • Obv:  Die scratch on Jefferson's forehead.
  • Rev:  Die scratch on rim above PLU of PLURIBUS; die scratch on rim below AMER of AMERICA.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-036 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Die scratch above and to the right of N of IN.
  • Rev:  Die scratch on rim above UNUM.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-037 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to right of E of E PLURIBUS UNUM; Die gouge above both the first and second U of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-038 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die scratches on rim below STATES; die scratches on rim above PLUR of PLURIBUS.
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-039 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Series of die gouges on Jefferson's collar.
  • Rev:  Die gouge above right side of M of UNUM; die gouge inside upper portion of second U of UNUM.
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-040 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to upper right of B of PLURIBUS; die gouge inside upper portion of E of E PLURIBUS UNUM; die gouge above first T of STATES; die scratch inside left arch; die gouge above steps at right edge of building..
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-041 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on OF AMERICA and UNUM.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge inside lower portion of E of E PLURIBUS UNUM; die gouge to upper left of P of PLURIBUS; die gouge to lower left of D of UNITED;  die gouge on left side of last A in AMERICA.
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-042 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to right of M of UNUM; die gouge inside upper right portion of M of UNUM; die  scratch on rim above UM of UNUM.
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-043 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge on the lower right inside portion of M of AMERICA; heavy die scratches on rim below D of UNITED; short die scratch above small left window.
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-044 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Series of die gouges on lower portion of Jefferson's collar.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to upper right of L of PLURIBUS; die gouge to upper left of P of PLURIBUS;  die scratches in and above left arch.
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-045 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to upper right of L of PLURIBUS; die gouge between MO of MONTICELLO.
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1969-S WDDR-046 Proof

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die gouge between IB of PLURIBUS; die scratch inside left arch; die scratch between NT of CENT.
  • Cross Reference:   

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar