1938 Nickel Doubled Die Listings
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1938-D WDDO-001
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST and LIBERTY.
- Obv: Light die scratches to right of 8 of date; curving die scratch on front of Jefferson's collar.
- Rev: Short vertical die scratch below left small window; slanted die scratch below long left window.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: John A. Wexler
1938-D WDDO-002
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Short die gouge protruding from lower left side of U of TRUST; short die gouge above 9 of date.
- Rev: Two short die scratches above E of STATES; short slanted die scratch above left side of building.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: David Mulberry
1938-D WDDO-003
Description: Class II + V, Distorted and Pivoted Hub Doubling
Class II and V doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Die gouges to lower right of L and to right of B and R of LIBERTY; die scratch through lower front portion of Jefferson's collar.
- Rev: Die scratch through UR of PLURIBUS.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938-D WDDO-004
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Nice Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Die gouge through RTY of LIBERTY.
- Rev: Slanted die scratch between E and first L of MONTICELLO; die scratch below TS of CENTS.
Cross Reference: CONECA DDO-004 (4-O-II-C)
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938-D WDDO-005
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Die gouge above E of LIBERTY.
- Rev: Die scratch gouge inside upper portion of first U of UNUM; die gouge on lower left side of long right window.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938-D WDDR-001
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A spread toward the center shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and FIVE CENTS, increasing from left to right. Lesser doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Two light die scratches from Jefferson's collar toward his chin.
- Rev: Strong vertical die scratch from left base of building north into field; die scratch from first O of MONTICELLO southwest toward T of UNITED.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: John A. Wexler
1938-D WDDR-002
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Die scratches on Jefferson's ribbon.
- Rev: Die scratch from lower left side of dome; two die scratches above right side of building; die dot to upper right of first L of MONTICELLO.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Whaden Curtis
1938-D WDDR-003
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Vertical die scratch on Jefferson's cheek to right of his lips.
- Rev: Two almost parallel die scratches below CENTS.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938-S WDDO-001
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST and LIBERTY.
- Obv: Die scratches on Jefferson's cheek; vertical die scratch to right of queue.
- Rev: Series of light die scratches below right semicircular window.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Whaden Curtis
1938-S WDDO-002
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST and LIBERTY.
- Obv: Slanted die scratch on Jefferson's forehead above his eye; slanted die scratch below TR of TRUST.
- Rev: Die gouges above fourth column.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938-S WDDR-001
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS, increasing from left to right.
- Obv: Die gouge on right side of Jefferson's eyelid; die dot west of tip of his nose.
- Rev: Die gouge to lower left of D of UNITED; two die gouges in field to the left of left arch; die scratch through CE of MONTICELLO; die scratch from right upright of second U of UNUM.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Tony Russo
1938 WDDO-001
Description: Class II + V, Distorted and Pivoted Hub Doubling
A nice CCW spread from a pivot near the rim at about 10:00 shows on LIBERTY, the star, and the date. A spread toward the center, possibly tripled, shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, decreasing from left to right.
- Obv: Strong horizontal die gouge through upper RT of LIBERTY; light die cracks west from upper left and lower left of L of LIBERTY.
- Rev: Listed as 1938 5c WDDR-001.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Jennifer Casazza
1938 WDDO-002
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Nice Class II doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star, and the date. Closer doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST.
- Obv: Die scratch connecting lower portions of BE of LIBERTY; die gouge (dot) to lower left of Jefferson's collar.
- Rev: Long slanted die scratch above CENTS.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: John A. Wexler
1938 WDDO-003
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread toward the center shows on LIBERTY, the star, and the date.
- Obv: A series of die gouges run through the lower portions of BER of LIBERTY; die gouge inside the left portion of W of WE; slightly slanted die scratch to left of L of LIBERTY.
- Rev: Two short parallel die scratches from center of F of FIVE to upper portion of I of FIVE.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: John A. Wexler
1938 WDDO-004
Description: Class VI, Distended Hub Doubling
Class VI doubling shows as nice extra thickness on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star, the date, and Jefferson's profile.
- Obv: Die scratch above ER of LIBERTY.
- Rev: Short slanted die scratch extends from lower left portion of small right semicircular window.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Joe Groff
1938 WDDO-005
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling "Best Of" Nickel Doubled Die Varieties
A strong quadrupling spread toward the center shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date, IN GOD WE TRUST and, to a lesser extent, on Jeffersons nose and hair details on the back of the head.
- Obv: Short diagonal die scratch midway between Jefferson's upper lip and nose; die gouge (dot) on his upper lip; two light horizontal die scratches between U and S of TRUST.
- Rev: None noted.
Cross Reference: CONECA 5-O-II; FS-5-1938-021.5
Submitted by: John A. Wexler
1938 WDDO-006
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST.
- Obv: Short die gouge to lower left of 1 of date.
- Rev: Listed as 1938 5c WDDR-005.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Lou Coles
1938 WDDO-007
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Two short die gouges to lower right of 3 of date; die dot on Jefferson's chin.
- Rev: Listed as 1938 5c WDDR-008.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Lou Coles
1938 WDDO-008
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close CCW spread shows on TRUST and LIBER of LIBERTY. A close spread toward the center shows on the star, the date and the back of Jefferson's head.
- Obv: Die dot (gouge) in the field just to the right of Jefferson's queue and above the ribbon; vertical die gouge between D of GOD and W of WE.
- Rev: Die gouge below first S of STATES just above rim; die gouge connecting the lower portions of AT of STATES; short die gouge extending from the right of the base of the second T of STATES.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: John A. Miller
1938 WDDO-009
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread toward the center decreasing slightly from left to right shows on LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Die gouge between upper portions of ER of LIBERTY; die gouge in upper portion of R of LIBERTY; die gouge between lower portions of RT of LIBERTY.
- Rev: Two die scratches at left side of center dome arch; short diagonal die scratch inside left semicircular arch.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Bill Fivaz
1938 WDDO-010
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on WE TRUST.
- Obv: Die gouge through R of LIBERTY; die gouge extends from lower left portion of 1 of date; slanted die gouge through 3 of date.
- Rev: Listed as 1938 5c WDDR-010.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian Maguire
1938 WDDO-011
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A very close Class II doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Slanted die scratch in field near rim to the right of Jefferson's queue.
- Rev: Slanted die scratch from top right side of S of PLURIBUS; die dot below right side of M of MONTICELLO.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938 WDDO-012
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Die gouge protrudes from lower right side of Y of LIBERTY; slanted die gouge inside lower portion of 3 of date; two die gouges below US of TRUST.
- Rev: Die gouge between I and T of UNITED.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938 WDDO-013
Description: Class II + VI, Distorted and Distended Hub Doubling
A very nice Class II and Class VI spread shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star and the date.
- Obv: Short die gouge protrudes from right side of T of LIBERTY; die scratch below IB of LIBERTY near the back of Jefferson's head; short die gouge inside G of GOD.
- Rev: None noted.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938 WDDR-001
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A very close CCW spread from a pivot near the rim at about 11:00 shows on FIVE CENTS, CELLO, and the right side of the building.
- Obv: Listed as 1938 5c WDDO-001.
- Rev: Short die gouge from lower right of E of EPU; die scratch from lower portion of L to U of PLURIBUS; short die gouge from bottom right of lower left serif of N of UNUM.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Jennifer Casazza
1938 WDDR-002 Proof
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very slight Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Series of N/S die scratches on Jefferson's collar.
- Rev: Series of die scratches to upper right of large center semicircular window.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Lou Coles
1938 WDDR-003
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, increasing from left to right.
- Obv: Die dot below L of LIBERTY near Jefferson's hairline.
- Rev: Die scratch through large center semicircular window.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: John A. Wexler
1938 WDDR-004
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, increasing from left to right.
- Obv: Series of die scratches below IBER of LIBERTY near the back of Jefferson's head.
- Rev: Three die gouges (dots) to lower left and below small right window; die scratch inside right arch.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Lou Coles
1938 WDDR-005
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Listed as 1938 5c WDDO-006.
- Rev: Die scratch to upper left of first A of AMERICA; short die gouge to left of F of OF.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Lou Coles
1938 WDDR-006
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on BUS and UNUM.
- Obv: Vertical die gouge between N of IN and G of GOD.
- Rev: Slanted die scratch to upper left of second O of MONTICELLO; some light die scratches to upper right of large center semicircular window.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: John A. Wexler
1938 WDDR-007
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM. increaing from left to right. Doubling shows slightly on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
- Obv: Die gouge to lower left of G of GOD.
- Rev: Die scratch above right arch.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Lou Coles
1938 WDDR-008
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, increasing from left to right. Very close doubling shows on STATES and CENTS.
- Obv: Listed as 1938 5c WDDO-007.
- Rev: Small die gouge (dot) above and to the right of the small right window near the roof line.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Lou Coles
1938 WDDR-009
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Short die gouge between 3 and 8 of date.
- Rev: None noted. Coin was well-worn.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: John A. Wexler
1938 WDDR-010
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Listed as 1938 5c WDDO-010.
- Rev: Small die gouge to lower right of second O of MONTICELLO.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938 WDDR-011
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Constant Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM. Doubling shows slightly on CA of AMERICA and UN of UNITED.
- Obv: None noted.
- Rev: Vertical die scratch in field above left porch; die scratch between lower portions of C and E of CENTS; two die scratches to lower left of F of OF; die scratch extending from right side of dome above right porch.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Whaden Curtis
1938 WDDR-012
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on URIBUS and UNUM.
- Obv: Slanted die scratch below LIB of LIBERTY at back of Jefferson's head; wavy die gouge above numeral 9 of date.
- Rev: Small die gouge inside left lower portion of M of UNUM.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938 WDDR-013
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Die dot on Jefferson's ribbon.
- Rev: Die scratch above second U of PLURIBUS; die scratch in lower right corner of long right window.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938 WDDR-014
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Strong Class II doubling shows on UNITED STATES, FIVE, MO of MONTICELLO, and the left side of the building. Doubling also shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM slightly decreasing from left to right. Stronger doubling shows on
- Obv: Slanted die scratch below E of LIBERTY.
- Rev: Die gouge on left side of L of PLURIBUS; slanted die scratches inside right arch; die scratch to right of S of CENTS.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Brian A. Ribar
1938 WDDR-015
Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.
- Obv: Die scratch below Jefferson's nose; series of die scratches below ST of TRUST.
- Rev: Die gouge protrudes from center of C of AMERICA; die gouge on right side of second A of AMERICA; die scratch below second O of MONTICELLO.
Cross Reference:
Submitted by: Bentley Ditto