1943 Nickel Doubled Die Listings

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1943-D WDDO-001

Description: Class II + VI, Distorted and Distended Hub Doubling
Close tripling is spread toward the center on IN GOD WE TRUST,  LIBERTY, the star, the date, Jefferson’s queue and hair details on the back of his head.


  • Obv:  U-shaped die gouge in field above brow and south of S of TRUST; curling die gouge in field between top of Jefferson's head and rim at approximately 12 o’clock; short die scratch NW from top of tip of his nose.
  • Rev:  Die scratch NE from top of second L of MONTICELLO to building.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Peter Beane

1943-D WDDO-002

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST.


  • Obv:  Series of die scratches on Jefferson's collar; die scratch in his hair at 11 o’clock.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to right of E of E PLURIBUS UNUM; die gouge inside lower portion of long right window.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-D WDDR-001

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A nice spread toward the center shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and FIVE CENTS with all spreads increasing from left to right.  Tripling can be seen on the lower serifs of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Wavy die scratch from upper right of N of IN to just past upper portion of G of GOD.
  • Rev:  Horizontal die scratch under first S of STATES; die scratch east from upper portion of second O of MONTICELLO.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Bill Fivaz

1943-D WDDR-002

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Nice spread toward the center shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, seen best on UNUM.  Doubling also shows on AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Die crack N/S on Jefferson's cheek; die crack at top of head.
  • Rev:  N/S die scratch inside small left window; die scratch from E of CENTS to O of OF.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1943-D WDDR-003

Description: Class VI, Distended Hub Doubling
Nice Class VI doublibg shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  Long die crack from top front of Jefferson's head to his chin; die crack at top of his head.
  • Rev:  Die crack along top right building roof.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-D WDDR-004

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A very close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and FIVE CENTS. 


  • Obv:  Die crack on top of Jefferson's head.
  • Rev:  Die crack to left of small left semicircular window; die crack from first U in PLURIBUS to top of dome.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Tony Russo

1943-D WDDR-005

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A very close Class II spread shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and FIVE CENTS, both spreads decreasing from left to right. 


  • Obv:  Slanted die scratch on Jefferson's queue; die gouge (dot) on center of collar.
  • Rev:  Vertical die scratch above left side of small right window; die scratches through EN of CENTS.  Possible D/D.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Whaden Curtis

1943-D WDDR-006

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Nice Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, increasing from left to right.  A much closer spread shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die crack at top of dome; die crack extending north from D mintmark to rim; die gouge below MER of AMERICA; die scratch at top of center semicircular window.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1943-P WDDO-001

Description: Class II + III + V, Distorted, Design and Pivoted Hub Doubling     "Best Of" Nickel Doubled Die Varieties
This is known as the 1943 over 2 overdate.  A strong spread toward the center shows on IN GOD WE TRUST.  In addition, the hub/die is pivoted CW at about 7 o’clock with the CW spread evident on WE TRUST and LIBERTY.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  The reverse is a minor tripled die listed as 1943-P 5c WDDR-002.  There is a series of weak horizontal die scratches above FIVE.  The reverse tripling is very difficult to find on late die state specimens.

Cross Reference:   CONECA 3-O-II+III+V; FS-5-1943-028; Breen 2687

Submitted by:  Mike Bozovich

1943-P WDDO-002

Description: Class I + IV, Rotated and Offset Hub Doubling     "Best Of" Nickel Doubled Die Varieties
A nice CCW spread shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date and IN GOD WE TRUST from a rotation at the center of the die/hub.  A strong secondary eye shows SW of the main eye.  This is now believed to be caused by an offset impression on an early hubbing.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Later die states show a die crack north from C of CENTS and a die crack from upper right of MONTICELLO to rim.

Cross Reference:   CONECA 6-O-I+IV; FS-5-1943-029; Breen 2688

Submitted by:  Peter Beane

1943-P WDDO-003

Description: Class V, Pivoted Hub Doubling
Class V doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star and the date.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Slanted die scratch below U of UNUM; two vertical die scratches below LO of MONTICELLO.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-P WDDO-004

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
Very nice Class I doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date and IN GOD WE TRUST.


  • Obv:  Die scratch from Jefferson's nose to U of TRUST; series of die dots between first T and R of TRUST.
  • Rev:  Listed as 1943-P 5c WDDR-001.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-P WDDO-005

Description: Class V, Pivoted Hub Doubling
Close Class V doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star and the date.


  • Obv:  Die chip on Jefferson's earlobe; die scratches in field to left of his eye and nose.
  • Rev:  N/S die crack on building; die dot below small right window; die scratch to left of small left window.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-P WDDO-006

Description: Class VI, Distended Hub Doubling
Strong extra thickness shows on IN GOD WE TRUST,  LIBERTY, the star and the date.  An early die state may show this to be a CONECA 5-O-VI with a reverse die change (no P/P reverse).


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die crack into field from roof on right side of building north of small right window; die gouge (dot) to right of top of fourth column.  VLDS with heavy metal flow lines.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Jennifer Casazza

1943-P WDDO-007

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A nice CCW spread shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date and IN GOD WE TRUST. 


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  The reverse has a P/P listed as 1943-P 5c WRPM-009/RPM#29.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Eric Axtell

1943-P WDDO-008

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A light CCW spread shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date and IN GOD WE TRUST. 


  • Obv:  Die gouge near rim above LIB of LIBERTY; two die gouges near rim between 4 and 3 of date.
  • Rev:  Listed as 1943-P 5c WDDR-007.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Don Dunn

1943-P WDDO-009

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A close Class I CCW spread shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date and IN GOD WE TRUST, seen best on the lower portions of the elements. 


  • Obv:  Die crack SE from top of Jefferson's head about 12:00; die dot under L of LIBERTY; die gouge extends from upper back portion of the 3 of the date.
  • Rev:  Strong vertical die gouge to upper right of right arch.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1943-P WDDO-010

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A close Class I CCW spread shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date and IN GOD WE TRUST. 


  • Obv:  Light die scratch from E of LIBERTY toward back of Jefferson's head; small die dot between T and Y of LIBERTY.
  • Rev:  Series of N/S die scratches above right arch; short die gouge between lower portion of D of UNITED and first S of STATES; die crack to right of large semicircular window; slanted die crack between first and second columns.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Mike Bruggeman

1943-P WDDO-011

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A nice Class II spread shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  N/S die scratch in field to the left of Jefferson's nose.
  • Rev:  A series of die gouges above the right long window; short die gouge between the lower portions of PL of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Tony Russo

1943-P WDDO-012

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A Class I CCW spread shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star and the date.


  • Obv:  Die gouge to left of Jefferson's eye; die scratch through lower portion of R of LIBERTY; die scratches above and between 9 and 4 of date.
  • Rev:  A series of die scratches below second O of MONTICELLO; die dot above S of CENTS; die scratch below FIVE.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1943-P WDDO-013

Description: Class V, Pivoted Hub Doubling
Very nice Class V doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date, and the ribbon.


  • Obv:  Slanted die crack in Jefferson's hair at the top of his head; irregular-shaped die gouge in his hair at the back of his head.
  • Rev:  Die dot to lower right of small right window; vertical die scratch above right side of small right window.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Whaden Curtis

1943-P WDDO-014

Description: Class V, Pivoted Hub Doubling
Class V doubling shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date.


  • Obv:  Die gouge, in field, to left of Jefferson's forehead; slanted die crack in Jefferson's hair at the top of his head that extends to the rim;
  • Rev:  Die dot below B of PLURIBUS; possible RPM P/P west.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1943-P WDDR-001

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.


  • Obv:  Listed as 1943-P 5c WDDO-004.
  • Rev:  None noted.  Coin is well-circulated.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-P WDDR-002

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, showing best on E PLURIBUS UNUM.


  • Obv:  Listed as 1943-P 5c WDDO-001.
  • Rev:  Die dot to upper left of second O of MONTICELLO.

Cross Reference:  CONECA 2-R-II-C

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-P WDDR-003

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and AMERICA, slightly increasing from left to right.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die dot inside second U of UNUM; series of N/S die gouges above small right window; many N/S die scratches inside large center semicircular window.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-P WDDR-004

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Very close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.


  • Obv:  Slanted die scratch from back of Jefferson's ribbon; die dot above R of TRUST.
  • Rev:  Two slanted die scratches to right of small right window; die crack to right of small right semicircular window.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-P WDDR-005

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Many die dots around date.
  • Rev:  Strong slanted die gouge between and below LO of MONTICELLO; slanted die scratch inside first U of UNUM.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-P WDDR-006

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, slightly increasing from left to right.  Lesser doubling shows on AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Series of gouges on Jefferson's shoulder; two slanted die scratches on collar.
  • Rev:  Strong slanted die gouge from upper portion of first A of AMERICA; die scratch above small right window. Listed as WRPM-037.

Cross Reference:  CONECA 7-R-II, RPM#40

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1943-P WDDR-007

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A very close spread toward the center shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, increasing from left to right.  A closer spread shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


  • Obv:  Listed as 1943-P 5c WDDO-008.
  • Rev:  Die scratch at center of E of UNITED; series of short die scratches from N of MONTICELLO toward left side of steps; short horizontal die scratch from right side of steps near building above first L of MONTICELLO; long die scratch from top of right side of building to M of UNUM; series of die scratches under S of CENTS.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Don Dunn

1943-P WDDR-008

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.  An extremely close spread shows on FIVE CENTS.


  • Obv:  Short slanted die gouge from Jefferson's eyebrow into the field.
  • Rev:  Slanted die scratches through BU of PLURIBUS; slanted die scratch inside second U of UNUM; three N/S die scratches inside long left window; curved die scratches in lower right corner of long right window.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Tony Russo

1943-P WDDR-009

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, increasing from left to right.  A closer spread shows on CENTS. 


  • Obv:  Die clashes behind back of Jefferson's head.
  • Rev:  Die clash through O of MONTICELLO; die crack from right side of dome to middle of third column; die crack above right side of roof; die gouges on lower right side of V of FIVE; die crack below right arch to rim.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Tony Russo

1943-S WDDO-001

Description: Class V, Pivoted Hub Doubling     "Best Of" Nickel Doubled Die Varieties
A strong CCW spread from a pivot near the rim at approximately 10 o’clock shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date and, to a lesser extent, on IN GOD WE TRUST.


  • Obv:  Short die gouge WNW from upper half of B of LIBERTY; two short die gouges NW from top of T of LIBERTY.
  • Rev:  Die crack from rim through right side of first U of UNUM into field; die crack from lower right of MONTICELLO to rim.  S/S West listed as WRPM-001.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Michael Malorny

1943-S WDDO-002

Description: Class V, Pivoted Hub Doubling
Close Class V shows on IN GOD WE TRUST.


  • Obv:  N/S die gouge in field at top of Jefferson's head; die gouge to left of his nose.
  • Rev:  Die crack from N of UNUM toward dome; die gouge (dot) at top left of E of MONTICELLO.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-S WDDO-003

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A strong CCW spread shows on the date, the star, LIBERTY and IN GOD WE TRUST.


  • Obv:  Die scratch from lower center of E through R to lower left of T of LIBERTY; die scratch SE from lower right of G of GOD.
  • Rev:  None noted.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-S WDDO-004

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A strong CCW spread shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star and the date.


  • Obv:  None noted.
  • Rev:  Die crack from left side of N of UNUM to rim; die crack from lower right side of building to rim.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-S WDDO-005

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A strong CCW spread shows on LIBERTY, the star, the date and IN GOD WE TRUST.


  • Obv:  Short die scratch from top left side of U of TRUST; two long die scratches in field just in back of Jefferson’s head.
  • Rev:  Short die crack extending north from top of roof below dome.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-S WDDO-006

Description: Class V, Pivoted Hub Doubling
A nice CCW spread from a pivot at 6 o’clock shows on LIBERTY, the star and the date.  A lesser spread shows on  WE TRUST.


  • Obv:  Long, wavy die crack from Jefferson’s forehead to chin; S-shaped die crack in hair.
  • Rev:  Die break above left side of center steps; die crack extending north to dome; die crack from dome through S of PLURIBUS.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  John A. Wexler

1943-S WDDO-007

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Extremely close Class II spread shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, seen best on GOD.


  • Obv:  Almost S-shaped die crack extend south from the top of Jefferson's head at about 12:00.
  • Rev:  Listed as 1943-S 5c WDDR-001.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Eric Axtell

1943-S WDDO-008

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A close Class II spread shows on IN GOD WE.


  • Obv:  Slanted die scratches through LIB of LIBERTY; die dot on ribbon; die cracks on top of Jefferson's head; die scratch in hair above forehead.
  • Rev:  Listed as 1943-S 5c WDDR-003.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  David Mulberry

1943-S WDDO-009

Description: Class V, Pivoted Hub Doubling
A CCW spread shows on LIBERTY, IN GOD WE TRUST, the star and the date.


  • Obv:  Die scratch runs SW from the bottom of the second T of TRUST.
  • Rev:  The reverse is an RPM listed as 1943-S 5c WRPM-007, S/S South.  Die gouge protrudes from the upper left of the first U of UNUM. 

Cross Reference:   CONECA 1-O-I

Submitted by:  John Bordner

1943-S WDDO-010

Description: Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling
A very nice Class I spread shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star and the date.


  • Obv:  Heavy die gouges above first T of TRUST.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to lower left of second S of STATES; slanted die crack on right side of dome. 

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar

1943-S WDDO-011

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II doubling shows on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, the star, and the date.


  • Obv:  Die scratches on Jefferson's nose; long, heavy die scratches on lower portion of collar.
  • Rev:  C-shaped die gouge in long right window.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Whaden Curtis

1943-S WDDO-012

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Nice Class II tripling  shows on IN GOD WE TRUST.  A closer spread shows on LIBERTY, the star, and the date.


  • Obv:  Die scratches on Jefferson's collar and shoulder; light die cracks in Jefferson's hair.
  • Rev:  Die crack thru small right semicircular window; die crack extends from the steps to C of CENT and to the last S of STATES and then to the rim; die scratch thru lower left edge of F of FIVE; unlisted RPM S/S Tilted.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1943-S WDDO-013

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Nice Class II doubling  shows on IN GOD WE TRUST,  LIBERTY, the star, and the date.


  • Obv:  Die scratch in field to right of Jefferson's pony tail.
  • Rev:  Die gouge to right of small right window; die scratches above small right window; die gouge below E of CENT; slanted die scratch thru upper portion of the small right semicircular window; RPM S/S tilted.

Cross Reference: 

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

1943-S WDDR-001

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Class II doubling shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM, increasing from left to right.  Close quadrupling shows on UNUM.  Extremely close doubling shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 


  • Obv:  Almost S-shaped die crack extends south from the top of Jefferson's head about 12:00.  Obverse is listed as WDDO-007.
  • Rev:  N/S die crack from small right semicircular window; die crack from right base of building to rim; short die scratch extends from lower left leg of R of PLURIBUS; N/S die scratch in field to left of S mint mark.  1943-S 5c WRPM-010 S/S West. 

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Eric Axtell

1943-S WDDR-002

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
A very constant close tripled Class II spread shows on E PLURIBUS UNUM.  It shows best on the second U of UNUM.   


  • Obv:  Horizontal die scratches in Jefferson's hair above his forehead; three die cracks in his hair at the top of his head; many die scratches below BER of LIBERTY.
  • Rev:  Die crack N/S through third arch and right semicircular window; die crack south from steps to E of CENTS; die crack through EN of CENTS. 

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Tony Russo

1943-S WDDR-003

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling
Close Class II spread shows on UNITED and E PLURIBUS UNUM.  Close tripling on UNUM.   


  • Obv:  Listed as 1943-S 5c WDDO-008.
  • Rev:  Die gouges under CA of AMERICA; die dot to right of upper portion of E of FIVE; die crack on left base line.  Possible S/S. 

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  David Mulberry

1943-S WDDR-004

Description: Class II, Distorted Hub Doubling


  • Obv:  Die scratch through W of WE; die clash on back of Jefferson's queue.
  • Rev:  Heavy die gouge to lower right of F of OF; die scratch near rim between second S of STATES and O of OF.

Cross Reference:  

Submitted by:  Brian A. Ribar